Do I need fire doors?
Not all doors within a building need to be fire doors. The building regulations details where buildings require fire doors to protect relevant persons from the effects of smoke and fire. Effective fire doors should be installed to the manufacturer’s instructions and British Standards such as BS 476. Fire doors should be fitted with 3 […]
What is an Enforcement Notice?
An enforcement notice is a type of notice issued by the local authority fire and rescue service when they deem a building, or management of a building, to not be suitable and sufficient. Notices will need to be complied with within a given timeframe to avoid prosecution. If an enforcement notice has been issued on […]
Who is a competent person?
A person competent to carry out a fire risk assessment must have suitable training, experience, and knowledge. National Fire Safety Services are third party accredited to BAFE SP205 deeming our fire risk assessors to be competent.
Do I need a fire risk assessment?
It is a legal requirement for all commercial premises to have a fire risk assessment. If you are responsible for a building other than a single residential dwelling, you need to ensure that a competent person completes a fire risk assessment.
How do I book a fire risk assessment online?
It’s quick and easy to book a fire risk assessment online. Simply select your property type and then answer a few questions about the property and its use. You can choose a date and timeslot for our assessors to attend and make secure payment online. The whole process can take as little as five minutes.