Historically, fire risk assessment was done by completing handwritten notes on site before typing them up long form on the computer back in the office. This process was both time consuming and not the most accurate method of recording the significant findings on site. At National Fire Safety Services, we have developed our own software to compliment our 3-stage fire risk assessment process.
The first stage is the capturing of information on site. Our assessors carry with them a tablet to complete the fire risk assessment live on site. This allows for the most accurate capture of information captured in real time with photographic evidence of relevant significant findings. Completing the form on site ensures that no section is overlooked, and in-built safety features prevent the assessor from leaving site with any section incomplete.
Once the fire risk assessment has been completed on site, it is sent to our validation team. As a BAFE SP205 accredited company all our fire risk assessments go through a validation process to ensure that the information contained is accurate. Once this process is complete the reports are live on the system for you to access.
Accessing your fire risk assessment is done via our portal. Either use the login at the top of the screen or visit nfss.firesafetyportal.com/login.
Once in the portal you can view the significant findings, download the full report, and sign off actions to keep a live compliance tracker for your fire risk assessment.
If you have multiple properties, you can view your properties’ fire risk assessment actions in one place and even download them as an excel file or csv file to manage how you see fit. All actions are given a timeframe as per the risk ratings that will automatically flag on the system once they are due to be completed.